● XIV Health and Informatics Conference, Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019. Presenting “C3D, nuevas herramientas y abordajes en rehabilitación física”.
● Expo Medical, Salud Innova Tech. 2019. Presentation of the “C3D, una revolucionaria herramienta para procesos de rehabilitación” + Gala Gonzalez Barrios.
● Intercambios Transorgánicos + METABODY Project and workshop at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia, Centro Cultural Embajada España, Argentina, October 2016.
● International Conference on Intercambios Transorganicos + METABODY Project. Centro Cultural de la Embajada de España en Montevideo, Uruguay, October 2016.
● 8th Conference on Posthumanism and Control Technologies. Congreso Nietzsche Complutense. Presentation of the project of Non-Functional Electromechanical Prostheses of Intercambios Transorganicos on behalf of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. At the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, España, May 2016.
● MetaBody: International Symposium on Art and Science: on the decolonization of bodies in the neo-colonial era. Presentation of Intercambios Transorganicos, research carried out at the MUNTREF Arte y Ciencia, representing the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Centro Cultural of the Embajada de España in Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2015. Speaker.
● Hybrid. Ars Electronica Collaboration Network (Austria) - Muntref Arte y Ciencia - Centro Cultural Kirchner. Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2015. Speaker.
● SD#12 Digital Societies Forum. Paraná, Entre Ríos. 2012. This was the first congress in which I participated as a listener to get closer to local issues, problems and research around the digital world. I decided to share it because it was the day I met Neil Harbisson and understood, through his story, the wonder of interactive systems based on biofeedback.